2010 m. gegužės 26 d., trečiadienis


Self-assessment is hard for me, because I am too critical of my myself. The simplest thing is to analyse another human‘s achievements than mine.

First, I would like to assess my performance in Moodle tests. It was the worst thing in English lessons for me, because my assessment was not very high. The biggest malady of moodle tests is lack of variants of right answers.

Second, it is the ESP definitions tests. The ESP test is a contrast to Moodle test. I have a great success in these tests. ESP definitions tests help me to learn vocabulary better than Moodle tests. I like ESP definition tests and I think that it is a good training aid.

Third, in my English classes is summary writing. I would like to commend by my self, because it was big progress for me from school times. I think that I learned how to write a summary.

Fourth, it is Power Point Presentations. I like presentations because it is imperatyve to have some special skills. I had to use accurate information, to communicate with the audience, to engage it‘s attention and be like a professional presenter. I think I did it well, because my grade was 10.

Fifth, it is listening in class. Listening was not very hard for me, because themes of listening tests were interesting for me. I like the theme about racism. It looks very real.

Sixth, it is a short talk or speaking impromptu. I am not good at speaking in English, I had always some problem with pronunciation. Speaking is an important skill to improve.

All things considered, I think that my achievements are not bad. They are much better than last term. The main reason of that is a large amount of homework, which I have done so far.

2010 m. gegužės 19 d., trečiadienis

Social support

Social support - assistance that various non-cash forms of money and care for people who can not take care of themselves. There are many types of social support. Some of social service types are: consulting, mediation and representation, catering and other.

In consulting time social worker can to analyse personal (or family) problems of situation and can help to search solutions of problems. This service might be given until the problem resolution.

Mediation and representation is the grant of aid in personal (family) problems (legal, medical, economic, domestic, handling of documents, training fees, recording specialists, the organization of household work, etc..) mediating between the personal (family) and its environment (other institutions, professionals, individuals).

Catering is dining given. It may be given to social service institutions or other power points, and organized presentation of the hot food into the house, the issue of food vouchers or dried food packages. Service award is 1-5 time per week.

Social support - the set of measures that help keep people deprived of their livelihood, solidarity. All the persons can take social service if the law decided it is needed for them.

2010 m. balandžio 22 d., ketvirtadienis

Mediation between neighbors

Mediation is a form of use appropriate techniques and skills to improve dialogue between disputants. In preventing a conflict between neighbors, was used a proccess which includes : consideration of one's neighbor's points of view, awareness of differences, keeping one's neighbors informed and demonstrating of respect.

Denise is 22 years old and she is living in the dwelling-house with her 60 years old neighbor Ms. Santiago. They both have a general yard. The dispute between women includes care of yard. Mediator suggest them alternative solution of the problem.

First thing mediator suggest is to considerate of one's neighbors points of view and make a plan of yard cleaning. Ms. Santiago assured that she is not being in the yard as often as it does Denise. Denise does not agree and say that Ms. Santiago with her guest being in the yard often.

Another step of resolving a conflict is awareness of difference. Ms. Santiago is older and diseased and she can't to cut the grass. Thus Denise always does this job and she is angry about that.

The dialogue helps to solve a problem. Was suggested to employ the gardener, which would come one time per month and may cut the grass for minimum fee. Mediator advertising in the magazine and worker was founded after two days. The last thing mediator have done is keeping neighbors informed about gardener month pay.

After problem resolution Denise and Ms. Santiago demonstrate respect for each other. Appropriate suggestions make a dialogue between disputants.

2010 m. kovo 21 d., sekmadienis

The rights of citizens.

The rights of citizens

Constitution is the most important document in all countries. This document can be written (like in most countries) and unwritten, just like in Britain. Constitution might be changed in referendum.

Constitutional laws have a prevention to government from becomeing too powerful. The state functions are separated into executive, legislative and judicial separate institutions.

Constitution defines the most important fundamental rights of citizens. Democratic state citizens have more freedom: of speech, press, movement, assembly and demonstration and rights to: education, healthcare, shelter, participation, political life, equality, right to vote and other rights.

It is hard to establish advantages and disadvantages of written and unwritten Constitutions. There are case-law rulings and traditions in Britain unwritten Constitution, but some people believe that government is too powerful.

Some things are virtually forbidden or freely permitted in different Constitutions. The most important aim of Constitution is to protect and legitimize fundamental human rights.

2010 m. kovo 8 d., pirmadienis

Spalvų gama Moterims

Spalvų gama Moterims.

2010 m. kovo 1 d., pirmadienis

žiedai tarp žiedų. 2009m.

Saulės zuikutis. 2007m.

Zebrė. 2007m

The principles of Amnesty International organization

Amnesty International organization was founded in 1961 and it is one of the largest and most active human rights organizations. It is conserned strictly with prisoners and seeks the release of what they call "prisoners of conscience" - prisoners because of colour, political or religious beliefs, ethnic origin, rece or sex. This is 8 principles which define activity of Amnesty International:

1.The Amnesty International organization has a limited mandate.

It specially focuses on political prisoners, torture, execution and political rights such as voting, censorship, poverty, hunger.

2.It focuses on the individual prisoner.

Exemplified of Amnesty International is "adoption group". This group can help for prisoner in the question of money.

3.All action is grounded on fact.

In order to take action it is necessary to have reliable information.

4.It is based on members participation.

They key work is done by the members themselves.

5.Moral suasion.

It is not conflict seeking organization - they just want a dialog with the governments and some action.

6.Amnesty International organization is strictly impartial.

It does not matter if the country is capitalist, communist, religious, nonreligious. Wherever men or woman.. They do not rank a countries and sex. Most important thing is to protect their rights.

7.They has fully independence in policy and financially.

All finances come from subscriptions or contributions of members. Amnesty International does not take any grants, conditions and gifts from any governments. that are inconsistent with the organization's goals.

8.They publish international responsibility.

They believe that human rights are the birthright of every individual and that it is the duty of every person then to seek the defense of those rights whenever they are violated.

These 8 principles have helped Amnesty International to survive and to gain very high international respect.

2010 m. vasario 24 d., trečiadienis

2010 m. vasario 18 d., ketvirtadienis

„Tiesą pasiekiame uoliai atmetinėdami tai, kas neteisinga.“

Arthuro Comano Doyle‘io „Sherlockas Holmesas“

2010 m. vasario 9 d., antradienis

„Turbūt teko matyti senų pilių ar šiaip kokių nors senų pastatų kur nors Dievo užmirštame užkampyje. Jeigu gerai įsižiūrėsi, tai šen, tai ten ant jų sienų auga žolė, koks nors smulkutis krūmas ar net medelis. O žmonės be kompleksų- kaip stikliniai dangoraižiai- ten nė velnio niekas neauga. Nėra kur sėkloms užkliūti.“
Sigitas Parulskis „Murmanti siena“

2010 m. vasario 3 d., trečiadienis

Social Work study at MRU and at Kingston University (London)

Comparison and similarities of Social Work Programme at Kingston University and MRU

  • The aim of Social Work Study Programme is to train specialist qualified to carry out scientific research, to have administration and management skills to assist individuals or communities in representing their interests within state, non-governmental or private organizations.

  • The acquired qualification grants employment opportunities in spheres of scientific research social work and management of social work within a wide range of local and state institutions of social care and various non-governmental organizations.

  • Both University focusing around several key areas: risk and child abuse; children's rights; learning processes and partnership approaches in professional education; management of child protection systems; effectiveness of community-based responses to crime; analysis of case conference processes using computer visualisation; evaluation of practise teaching.

Stages of study at MRU

The syllabus at MRU is organised into theorethical and practical work:

  • The theory involves comprehensive studies and specific studies corresponding to the specific social work areas.

  • Practical studies is organised by four stages:

  • 1. Voluntary practise;

  • 2. Clinical social work practise;

  • 3. Social work practise in foster home;

  • 4. Social work practise in community

Undergraduate study at MRU continues four years.

Stages of study at Kingston University

Year 1
Becoming a Professional
Critical Thinking for Professional Practice
Social Policy
Law and Citizenship
Social Work Approaches
Human Growth and Development

Year 2
Assessment and Intervention
Developing Professional Practice
Reflection and Evaluation of Practice
Social Issues and Social Work Practice

Year 3
Becoming a Critical Professional
Reviewing Literature and Research
Analysing Social Work Methods and Values
Research and Evaluation in Human Services
Interprofessional Perspectives and Managing Change
Integrated Project

Undergraduate study at Kingston University continues three years.

Subjects at MRU and Kingston University

Both Universities subjects is related with policy and interdisciplinary standpoints such as Social Policies, Social and Institutional Psychology, Anthropology, Social Work theory, Systematic Sociology.

Advantages of studying at Kingston University

  1. Underground studies term is three years.

  2. Students can get a grant even if they are paid of studies.

  3. If student have not been liveing in UK for three years but he come to UK to work and will continue working whilst he is studying , he may qualify for funding as a "migrant worker".

  4. Studies move on foreign language.

Disadvantages of studying at Kingston University

  1. Studies move on foreign language.

  2. Students often can get a loan only for a studys price.

  3. Students often have to find where to live for themselves.

Advantages of studying at MRU

  1. MRU offers acommodation for international students on campus- at student residence hall "Student house"- the twelve floor modern building. It takes 5 minutes on foot come to the main University building.

Disadvantages of studying at MRU

  1. Undergraduate study at MRU continues four years.

  2. Students can not get a grant if they pay for education.

  3. Monthly rent of a room in the "Student house" is from 300 litas (~87 eur.). Rental fee is subject to change. International students are required to pay for the accomodation in advance fot the entire semester at they arrival or during the introductory week. While lithuanian students monthly rent of double room is only 160 litas. Pay must to be paid every month.

2010 m. vasario 2 d., antradienis

„Kinų hieroglifas, žymintis krizę, yra sudarytas iš dviejų smulkesnių hieroglifų: žyminčio pavojų ir žyminčio galimybę.“

"Robin Sharma „Vienuolis, kuris pardavė „Ferrary“

„Gyvenimas yra per trumpas ar per ilgas, kad leisčiau sau tokią prabangą kaip netinkamai gyventi.“
Paulo Coelho „Vienuolika minučių“

„Kartais žmogaus veidas ir laikysena taip natūraliai, taip ryškiai atspindi jo jausmus, kad žiūrovų minioj susidaro vieninga nuomonė apie jo sielą.“

Aleksandras Mandzonis „Sužadėtiniai“