2010 m. kovo 21 d., sekmadienis

The rights of citizens.

The rights of citizens

Constitution is the most important document in all countries. This document can be written (like in most countries) and unwritten, just like in Britain. Constitution might be changed in referendum.

Constitutional laws have a prevention to government from becomeing too powerful. The state functions are separated into executive, legislative and judicial separate institutions.

Constitution defines the most important fundamental rights of citizens. Democratic state citizens have more freedom: of speech, press, movement, assembly and demonstration and rights to: education, healthcare, shelter, participation, political life, equality, right to vote and other rights.

It is hard to establish advantages and disadvantages of written and unwritten Constitutions. There are case-law rulings and traditions in Britain unwritten Constitution, but some people believe that government is too powerful.

Some things are virtually forbidden or freely permitted in different Constitutions. The most important aim of Constitution is to protect and legitimize fundamental human rights.

2010 m. kovo 8 d., pirmadienis

Spalvų gama Moterims

Spalvų gama Moterims.

2010 m. kovo 1 d., pirmadienis

žiedai tarp žiedų. 2009m.

Saulės zuikutis. 2007m.

Zebrė. 2007m

The principles of Amnesty International organization

Amnesty International organization was founded in 1961 and it is one of the largest and most active human rights organizations. It is conserned strictly with prisoners and seeks the release of what they call "prisoners of conscience" - prisoners because of colour, political or religious beliefs, ethnic origin, rece or sex. This is 8 principles which define activity of Amnesty International:

1.The Amnesty International organization has a limited mandate.

It specially focuses on political prisoners, torture, execution and political rights such as voting, censorship, poverty, hunger.

2.It focuses on the individual prisoner.

Exemplified of Amnesty International is "adoption group". This group can help for prisoner in the question of money.

3.All action is grounded on fact.

In order to take action it is necessary to have reliable information.

4.It is based on members participation.

They key work is done by the members themselves.

5.Moral suasion.

It is not conflict seeking organization - they just want a dialog with the governments and some action.

6.Amnesty International organization is strictly impartial.

It does not matter if the country is capitalist, communist, religious, nonreligious. Wherever men or woman.. They do not rank a countries and sex. Most important thing is to protect their rights.

7.They has fully independence in policy and financially.

All finances come from subscriptions or contributions of members. Amnesty International does not take any grants, conditions and gifts from any governments. that are inconsistent with the organization's goals.

8.They publish international responsibility.

They believe that human rights are the birthright of every individual and that it is the duty of every person then to seek the defense of those rights whenever they are violated.

These 8 principles have helped Amnesty International to survive and to gain very high international respect.